Thursday, August 16, 2012

And on "we" go

I noticed today, that when im hiking, I often talk to myself or my body as a third person. It made me think, well my body does have a mind of its own, what the flesh wants and what the mind wants are usually two different things. So on "we" go my body and I, "I", being the crazy guy talking to his body in the third person. I guess a few hundred miles by yourself will do that to you.
*cough* golem *cough*

Today I made it to Sierra City which is mile 1197.6. Woohoo right? It is exciting but there are two fires which is not unusual for this time a year. Normally being the wannabe tough guy I think I am, I would try to walk around it or through it, but apparently that within the last 3 days the amount of forest burned by this fire was doubled, head north-west, where Im going. So this leaves me with two options...  Go home, or hitch around it. Because, the words quit, cannot, and failure are rarely used in my vocabualry, I will hitch around it, victoriously.  The plus-side to hitch-hiking, is you usually meet people who end up inspiring you, rather the other way around.
I called my buddy Chris the other day, on the trail, just so I could talk video games with him, it went straight to voicemail, so I talked anyways. It's crazy how when I was younger, games with adventure and mystery were my games of choice and of coarse, I liked shoot em up games. Thats part of the reason why I signed up with the navy 4 years ago, but was denied do to a pass misdemenor, of a DUI. So here I am, 4 years later, in some town I may never be in again and Im talking about adventure.
I loved games where I could get on horse back, or in a car and wonder all over the map, finding little easter eggs that would spark my imagination. Turns out, life has easter eggs of its own; metaphorically speaking of coarse. Since life is not a video game, those easter eggs taste even better. Reality, is beatiful, and at times is hard to take, but its those hard times, which define us. I think, maybe thats why I liked video games, risk was hard, so why not just sit in front a computer and not risk anything... Except your life.
When I think about all those wasted hours, days, possibly months, I think to myself what I could of really been doing. Following my own God given passions. Passions that require sweat, blood, and tears. I had to fugure it out on my own, or maybe I didn't figure it out on my own but maybe, I was shown a better life, a real life, where when you stop...You hear silence, but wait, is that wind you hear? Or could that be a river just down the ridge? Lets go find out, shall we?

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