Friday, July 19, 2013


Ask a question, then give it up. No use pondering it because it will show it self in time.  I move on, and find myself, in a quiet room, over looking this lake. It feels so wrong to have it all to myself. I want the rest of the world to know, that I am here. Though in the silence, I am left with the trees looking down at me from the mountains. I am humbled to know, how small I really am. 
For years, now I have wanted to be here. Though never did I realize why. Following my dream, as the fool I am. Here I sit, restless, tired, wanting to not want. Yet, my head wants to leave, though I tell myself to stay. Why am I here? There’s more to this than just my own desires, "We're here to learn" though its hard to say, what I am being taught. I can get caught up, in routine. Life was easier, when I had routine. What's there to learn in this silence? 
I think about things as things are, seeing reality for what it is, and it makes me laugh. My body aches, my eyes, tired. My head is full of places to go, and a foreign woman to love, but I don't want them, for the sake of good food and a beautiful woman. No, I am stronger than I ever been, my hands don't betray me, as they used to. I am stronger, and healthier now. Though, everyday and every night, I think of the one, whom I am to protect, though, she is not here, nor there. She is only in my head, maybe. I am a fool for wanting her, yes a fool, because she is not here. I am love, and my eyes show it. I am eager to learn, and don't care who knows it. It shows itself, because I am aware that, I know nothing.
I am a warrior, who is eager to fight, a murderer of dragons who dare to bite. I'll stay here, and move on when they are all dead. My path is illuminated through the days and through the long nights. I'm a dreamer of dreams, and no one can really understand what that means. Maybe it really is all just universal connectivity. I’m grounded, and secure, as my path narrows, my heart loves me more, and takes me through the worst of dangers. I overcome, because of my might, though it is not because of I. No, it is through the breath that lives inside, and that refines my soul, this breath I hold onto, until its time for me go. Even then, I am, sure of nothing. Maybe, because this world of late, says people like that are just crazy. Though, I am strong, and independent, without brothers and sisters we could never ascend it. I'm a reacher, a be'er, an illuminated seeker. I hold fast and I am faithful, even when they are doubtful. I am not dogmatic, or stagnant, truth seeking, I am always at it. I am like a Jedi, who says press onto the light. This power is good and I use it for right. I’ve learned, that people who judge you, have too much time to think, I am the MVP, when it comes to the power to just be. Because I know, that’s where we should be, in the moment, you and me.