Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Behind my eyes

Its kinda funny, when back before I left for YWAM, the term "Newness" had some kind of mystical power behind it. It would fuel my ambitions and desires. The saying "ask and it shall be given" proved itself true. I asked and meditated and prayed and sure enough I was engulfed in a life of "newness." I soaked it up as much as I could and found myself in wanting more. Opportunities presented themselves around every corner. Hard times were had; those were great times. When I can look at where I came from, in just a year and a half, and see how much my life has been changed. I see my story painted out in journal entries, in times where all I had was hope, I am brought to a place of total surrender. To live free of stress and worry is merely a dance and when learned, your steps are sure, your faith is secure. And when you hear those old man lies, you can look back at where you started and where you are now. Now, behind my eyes, all newness is, is change. When you begin walking after That Man, you learn that he is always moving and if you can keep up and get back up, when you fall down. Newness and change becomes...ordinary. Nowadays, I still ask, and by no surprise whatsoever I can honestly say, that I am still receiving and that is ordinary, and I am grateful.

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