Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lauren Cunningham Ministries

So there is no place to get naked, go skinny dipping and hang out with God here. . . Unless, I went into the creek where all the city folks septic tanks overflow, out of their leach fields into the creek. I'll pass. . .
Good thing God is creative, and he's has a whole lot of different ways that we can meditate on him. Recently, I found myself living in condemnation yet again. Its funny(more like annoying) how Satan will pull you in like starting with a lie. After making some phone calls to good friends and mentors back home, I found myself repenting and followed by meditation on our Fathers love. Since then he's opened my eyes to new things, new ideas, new dreams, that I thought are too good to be true. Thats our Old Pops, always showing us time and time again,  that he is warrior fighting for us, seeking us out, and that he is indeed loving.

Before this season began, I was in a season of dreams, now I still dream just not as much.  Every night I would lose sleep, trying to figure them out and he just kept on sending dreams. It wasn't until recently I asked him "God why am I here? Why did you bring me here?" Because this season has been different he has been piecing my previous dreams together where I can see how things are starting to make sense. As I asked these things "why am I here?" He answered and in a picture, almost all of my dreams came together in a flash. This is what I got.
Put a group together, people who like climbing, hiking, that sort of living. Start a ministry focused on outdoors, mountaineering people groups. Live the life of Jesus to them, eat with them, feed them, wash their feet, pray for them. The more I prayed into this the more he spoke to me about it. For a verse he gave me
 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:16

As I am very excited for all of this that is to come, there are people close to me (sorry bro) Who I have not told because In all honesty I not sure what they will say. So there are going to be some surprises. 
A question that I have been asking myself and God is, how am I going to incorporate EARS (Environment and Resource Stewardship) into this ministry. Though God is the captain of this vessel and he has total control on where this would go but I can only imagine right now taking this overseas to people who still live in rural 2/3 societies. Backpacking into regions to teach sustainable living as we "let our light shine before others... that they may glorify your father in heaven"

So there is the update on my life right now. As there will be people who object to this ministry I hope you can see with open hearts and open minds. Please pray for me.

Things you can pray for:

  • People to come into my life to share this vision in advancing God's kingdom on the rock faces and mountain ridges
  • For the release of financial provision so I may pay this school off (as of right now I still have $2400 to raise just for my lecture phase)
  • For people in the church to stand behind me and pray for me as I pioneer this new ministry. (A prayer team back at home)
Thank you all, for taking the time to read this. I pray peace and blessings over you abundantly! May the light of Jesus Christ shine bright in your hearts lighting the way of every step. Remember our Father moves right NOW! May you be humans, being in Gods presence, always. Amen.

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