(Aarons dictionary)
Truthful; 1) Honest, expressing truth, 2) To eat so much truth, that your belly is filled with it.
A) "I am honestly and truthfully explaining the definition of truthful"
B) "I ate so much freaking truth that its spewing out of my ears!"
Ok, I think we should have a national holiday for cynical people. Instead of laughing at there sarcasm, we could take it and backfire it onto them! But instead of being cynical back to them, we could just take there cynicism seriously. It would be really fun, but wars would probably break out all over the world and that wouldn't be nice, so shame on me.
Over these last few months I hit some bumps in the road that have caused me to slow down. Since we're on the subject of truth lets talk about pride. "Me pride! You and I both know I don't have pride! IM SUPERHUMAN!!!"
The conversation actually didn't go like that... But the funny thing is that person actually thinks there some sort of superhuman... I tell you people watch way to much TV. You can't blame them really, I mean what else is there to do?
"Kayak?" "Meh." "Swim with sea turtles?" "Nah." "Make memories with your friends?" "Yes bro! I've seen every episode of Friends"
"Did you watch it back in the day or on Net Flix because there is a difference..."
No bro, freaking tivo that shiz.
"Oh, so you want to go get coffee or somthing?"
"Nah I'm gonna hop on facebook"
On a serious note
I like to get naked and go swimming. One thing that is for certain is I wouldn't do it with a female unless I was married to her. I would get naked and go swimming with my dude friends but they think I'm weird so I just go off alone and get naked. Whats cool about that it is its all very symbolic. I walk in a conversation with God. I walk until I think I find or God points out the perfect swimming hole. And as I get naked I start to repent of all the sins I have committed. I get in the water (which is usually very cold) and I dunk my body in. As I'm underwater I picture my body and all of who I am being washed clean. Becoming spotless. Depending on how cold it is I try to linger in the water and I go into a deeper meditation of peace. Given the circumstances if I am genuine. I leave the forest clean.
Yesterday I jumped into a hot spring, naked of coarse and because you float in that water a lot easier than fresh water I was going through a breathing cycle. My body would bob up and down as I would inhale and exhale. The warm water and pressure on my chest as I would breathe made me think about much I take breathing for granted. The tenseness of my body on the slimy algae made me think of how much I try to control my life. As I stopped the fight of control I let my body float where ever it was taken. I let go of my grasp of controlling my body, I also let go of the grasp of controlling my life and my thoughts and my mind. As I let go I heard God tell me. "Hold your breath" and My body turned ever so slightly in the water until my face was in the water and I couldn't breathe. My body floated into a wall of rock and I can feel the algae touching my head and my face. It was then as I was holding my breath I felt at peace. It felt like minutes passed and I thought about my friends dream were Jesus dunked her underwater until she figured out she could breathe. I heard God tell me to exhale and I pushed out all the air in my lungs. I stood up immediately and grabbed my clothes takeing huge breaths. I walked with them in my hands. I looked at the water rushing through through two rocks and God told me to jump to cross it. I looked at it and threw my clothes to the other side. Then I said "God give me stregnth!" and took a giant leap of faith across a rushing waterfall. It was on the other side where I laid out on a rock like a nudist. I started to wonder if I was a nudist. Then I started thinking about how there must be different types of nudist because I'm not gonna go start a nudist colony or join one because I think thats weird. I just like to be naked...in the woods. No big deal right?
Let us be truthful and honest. Is it weird to be naked though at peace with oneself in our natural environment, than to be clothed with clothes that we put our identity in? I suppose its all different for role of the truth seeker than the person who is seeking only comfort.
When will you write another blog post?